When I say "Football Fever" it's referring to the all encompassing craziness that ensues each Fall as the leatherheads take center stage...it's also referring to the constant state of fever-pitched anxiety that falls upon a certain mother of a certain first time quarter-back...
Looking good so far...
"Hurry and throw that ball...there's a huge maniac running right for him...save my boy...someone?"
T is coaching A.J. for the first time ever in Football this year. Luck for A.J. he gets 24 hour a day, one on one coaching for the next 3 months. I'm sure he loves every minute..wink,wink.
I thought learning spanish and algebraic equations were hard...Crap!
Holy Moly. He is almost as tall as T. Can you believe it?
He looks great gettin it done though!
Auntie S is proud.
Eric and I were just saying how much we wish we could watch him play. He looks so great!
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