Friday, December 12, 2008

A definition of ME

A.J.'s 5th grade teacher gave him an assignment to define himself with a poem and a posterboard. When he brought it home, it made me think of how I would define myself. What pictures represent who I am, what I dream about? What words would I use in a poem about me? Needless to say A.J. did a far better job at defining himself than I could at this point in my life. I think the older we get the harder it is to put those abstract dreams, wishes, desires for our future even words to describe ourselves into something that can be pasted to posterboard or rhymed with other words. At least it seemed that way to me today. I want to get back to that place in 5th grade where that stuff flowed so easily...I guess I'll start by following A.J.'s lead...

Awesome, cool, sweet
Sibling of: Adeline
Who is made happy by: Bryan Reagan
Who needs: an air soft gun
Who gives out: Butt kickin's daily,
Who fears: nothing
Who would like to see & meet: Derek Lee
Who remembers going to a Cubs game
Who wears "Cubs" stuff
Who is thankful for sports

(Written by A.J. Wiseman and is included in his posterboard masterpiece above)

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