Thursday, November 26, 2009

Goodbye to 1954!

Yes, as sad as it was to say goodbye to the lovely pink and brown original bathroom that I am certain was the height of fashion in 1954 when our home was constructed...the day has come! Yahoo! I never imagined how much I could love a bathroom so much...but after 3 1/2 weeks of dust, construction workers and platic covering the floors upstairs I really think love is the appropriate word to express my feelings for this room.

Since it would not be "our" (and by "our" I mean mine and T's) style to just take on one single project like a bathroom remodel at a time...we decided it sounded like a fabulous idea to re-vamp several other rooms in the house as well...the family room upstairs and Adeline's room as well. A.J.'s room is still in the process so stay tuned....

1 comment:


wowsa!! Very niii-ce!