Friday, February 13, 2009

Kiss Attack

This rare view of my family in a full pile-on-to Mom moment, which I am sharing with you not for your oohs and aaah's for your sympathy vote! You fellow Moms out there know that moment in the day after 7 loads of laundry, several load/unloading sessions of the dishwasher, piano practicing marathons, homework duties, carpool runs...yes, THAT moment. The moment when some unfortunate soul decides to complain about the fact that they have to put away the folded clothes you have just slaved over washing and folding for them. Needless to say after the "Look of Death" from Mom there was only one thing left for them to do...You got it, Force Mom to Smile/laugh/Get over it. It seemed to work, although you can't see my smile, sorry!



Oh yes. We know that moment well.
If those goofy goobers can't get you to smile, I don't know what would.


AuntieKooKoo said...

i wanna piece of that kiss attack. love you guys!!!